About us

Mission Possible was formed in 2017 to support the inspirational work of the Salesian Sisters who work tirelessly to change the lives of thousands of children and their families living in the most deprived areas of Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda. (http://www.kerwata.org)

The Sisters’ work has been highly successful and has changed the lives of thousands of families in Africa. However, their work is not complete, and they are always looking to explore new avenues to enhance the impact of their projects.

Kathleen McKeating, Headteacher and Salesian Co-operator welcomed the opportunity to support the Sisters’ missions in Dagoretti and was soon joined by a friend and Educational Pychologist Julie Glynn, her sister and Headteacher Anne Maire Nield and two students Isabelle Glynn and Charlotte Boyd. The Mission Possible Team was formed.

Through communications and guidance with Sr Eleanor FMA, the project quickly gathered momentum.

Children who present with any additional needs quickly fall behind in schools in Kenya and soon fall out of education and frequently become street children. There is no support and advice for the teachers to address and cater for these needs. The team focussed on gathering resources that are readily available to all pupils in the UK and aimed to provide expertise and practical support. The team raised £6582 and collected a range of quality educational resources. They flew to Nairobi on the 23rd May 2017 ready to share their knowledge and experience to improve the education of these children.

Isabelle Sharphouse (Student)
Charlotte Boyd (Student)
Mrs Julie Glynn (Educational Psychologist)
Anne Marie Nield (Headteacher)
Kathleen McKeating (Headteacher)